Christians should have been banning that abominable flag before anyone did.

We should have been praying night and day for our country. We should have been preaching in the streets, but we got complacent, then scared, and then mortified of the deviants.

Muslims may be fanatics, but at least they hold true to what their faith teaches. They punish the deviants.

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Afraid of being name called.


And then the LGBTQPIA+ CULT took the apostate " churches" captive when they became nothing more than entertainment venues pandering to those who wanted their ears tickled

However, there always remain a Chosen Remnant that refuse to bend the knee to Baal. Unlike men, God the Creator and Sustainer has never been about numbers

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The thought that comes to mind lately is the verse in revelation 18:4

And I heard another voice from Heaven say”Come out of her ,my people,so that you may not have fellowship with her sins, and so that you may not receive of her plagues.

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Reading this from Africa,Kenya. I resonate with the fact that as christians we have let the guard down in the society, this has caused fear among us, but sadly our religious leaders take all the blame for greed has consumed them

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A sad indictment of the church. An unsaved family member told me he is interested in Islam because "at least they are willing to fight for what they believe in. "

This is why Islam is particularly attractive to young men searching for purpose.

Thank you for your posts encouraging us to take a stand, and 'gird up our loins'.

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So many Christians have allowed their first Love to grow cold. In their desire and attempts to gain the approval of the world they have sacrificed the approval of God. So much so that they now more closely resemble secular culture than a follower of Christ. It all happens one compromise at a time.

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deleted19 hrs ago
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Indeed, it is definitely the beginning of the birthing pains, and rapidly moving towards the first half of tribulation. We shouldn’t be surprised or taken off guard by what is taking place. It is written about all throughout scripture. As Christ tells us in Revelation about the state of the 7 churches, He verbally disciplines us. He tells us that we have lost our first love and become lazy. He warns us to repent and get it together for time is short! We do need to be the light and share the gospel. That is our #1 mission!

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