You finally got me. I've hooked up reading many of your admonitions but never had tears roll until now. Dad saw combat during WW II, Korea and was headed for Vietnam until he was medically retired at 29 years. He fought demons I never understood until I did my own 23 during Nam and DS. He drank himself into an early grave because men didn't go to counseling in the 70's. I did, and therefore I'm not.

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Thank you for sharing...

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On a similar note...

In the last 'few' years VA HAS recognized the value of 'Psilocybin', aka, the active ingedient in 'Magic Mushrooms'.

Recently, 30 Servicemembers, suffering from Severe PTSD were 'treated' therewith over a 30 day period, under CONTROLLED conditions..

The Upshot?

29 were thereafter PTSD-Free...the sole resistant case was treated a second time for a shorter interval and thereafter was also pronounced FREE...

Say what you will...anything that GOD provided on the Earth that can ABATE that Horror is acceptable in my 'Book'.

Be WELL, be SAFE (Please...) and be BLESSED, Each and EVERY...


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