Sep 19Liked by Biblical Man

I spent time with my kids. And actually loved them and sacrificed for them. I took them with me to church, they got taught the righ5 things and had role models. In around 2008 everything slowly started changing. My friends, previously open and loving became more distant. My kids, adults (born 86 and 89 and 92) got less and less a part of our lives. Oldest never says I love you. Texts twice a year. Has 3 kids that have nothing to do with me and don't even thank me for presents. He married a woman who was raised by alcoholics that he got pregnant when her father had him move in. The father is dead now. But he's the hero of my sons life. His wife is in total control. I have nothing against her but in 17 years I've never had an actual conversation with her. Even as I had her visit, went miles to visit them, spent $$$. All 3 are completely disinterested in us. It's heartbreaking beyond measure. Siblings who we always had a relationship with. No longer can be bothered. Quick texts. No substance. Hard to deal with. Hard to not blame myself, since I'm the common denominator.

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I understand… beginning to have the same problem too…

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People who haven't had it happen in their family don't realize this is a widespread epidemic. The "preparation" for it seems to have begun quietly in the 90s thru media & tons of pressure to see counselors for everything. Counselors ruled - they also gave errant advice, such as the idea of separating from "toxic" family. It WAS unthinkable before, now it is mainstream. The enemy has had so much success in separating us from God. Only God can heal and do the miraculous work to turn it around and restore. 🙏🏻

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Do I sometimes get annoyed by my parents? Of course, everybody does. I'm sure that Cain and Abel did.

Do I love my parents? With all my heart and soul. I love them so much that I took my last vacation and spent it with them so that I could help Mother take care of Dad.

If I had my choice, I wouldn't have left my small town 35 years ago, but there was no future there. I wouldn't have been able to find a job.

Now, if I could, I'd move back and spend more time with them. My sister never left and even moved into a house next door to my folks.

Do I spend enough time with them? No, but I do call them once or twice a week to talk to them.

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Amen. I just taught the 5th commandment on Sunday (our adult fellowship class is working through Exodus). One way to look at it is that the 5th commandment is the foundation for the first four. Parents (and grandparents) teach children and young adults to look to God (I AM), and Him only, not take His name in vain, and to keep the Sabbath. Through training to honor our parents, we learn to honor other authority figures, and really everyone (and how to fulfill the remaining commandments). We also learn to revere and respect God, placing him rightly at the top of every hierarchy. While Christ calls people in many ways, and at varied times in our lives, the family was designed to be an integral part of the foundation of our relationship with God.

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