Thank you for the great article. I stayed home and raised my children and put my all into it every day. I wanted to be a Mom ever since I was little. I was the little girl who constantly carried around a doll in a blanket. I found so much joy in raising a family. I think where the struggle comes in when "submitting to your husband" is mentioned, is that it's very difficult to find a man who truly respects womanhood and motherhood. I think there are a lot of women at church who you would never know are dying inside because they're being treated like garbage at home while their husbands put on a great ultra-spiritual, religious facade at church. Sometimes those same men who get up and teach that women should submit to their husbands are the same ones who are abusing their wives, either mentally or physically or both. There are a lot of hurting women out there who view motherhood as an extremely important job while also having to deal with a husband who doesn't support them and who they can't fully trust. I think many women who have dealt with this hear the word "submit" at church, and it just makes them feel like there's no hope, because what they're hearing is "just go pray about your marriage, and if the abuse continues, it's your fault and you need to just deal with it to keep your family intact". I think it starts with respecting nurturing again. A healthy society is based on the nurturing of life. Society is suffering greatly because the nurturers are viewed by many in society as out-of-touch and backwards. I think a lot of this has to do with the scourge of abortion and feminism (which is really anti-motherhood and anti-feminism).

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I hope you are well now and beyond this form of torture. I too suffered under a very angry man. It got so bad that my children hid themselves under their bed. I couldn't hide. And his face was distorted in anger, his veins would protrude in this neck and his eyes would be blazing. This was hate for me. I told my pastor and he said that a Christian woman "takes it". I believed him and so it went on for a long time. But his fist kept getting closer to my face. I began to stutter when talking to others and I couldn't tell anyone because they wouldn't believe me because he was a respected elder in my church. I finally went to help at Lutheran Social Services and they told me it was domestic abuse and I needed to take the children and leave. So I did that. I was kicked out of my church for leaving my husband. He (my husband) told everyone in church that I had taken off with some other man. So no woman called me to ask what was going on in my home. My husband got permission to divorce me and he remained an elder in our church. I blame myself for waiting so long and I thank God for getting me out finally and safely. God bless you and others who remain so woefully married.

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Both women and men need to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL about whom they enter into the marriage covenant with. God takes this extremely seriously as should the marriage partners so due diligence regarding Biblical priorities and shared Christian values need to be carefully vetted and sorted out beforehand. Be sure you are in God's will about this relationship.

Long engagements are best so you can see each other under a variety of circumstances Don't override or squelch any red flags that pop up.

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I think the getting to know each other stage or dating stage should be longer but the engagement portion shouldn't be more than 6-8 months. Other than that, I agree with everything else you said.

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⚡️🔥⛑️🦅 great encouragement and teaching! Sharing w fellowship I’m in and others

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True Feminity is arguably the most powerful thing known in the temporal existence of man.

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