To my point on previous comment about BAAL principality over America......Recent UN move promoting sexualization of children....."Fifty-one countries, including Syria, Iran, Russia, Congo, and China, strongly opposed the proposed exceptions. Unconscionably, a contingent of 91 countries, led by the U.S., overruled them, and the exceptions were ratified on August 9. The General Assembly is expected to formally adopt the treaty by the end of this year and then open it to countries for signature.

Take careful note of this moment: Iran is on the right side of a moral issue, and America is on the wrong side."


The Book of Joel calls this behavior out and the Book of Amos main theme is about how the Israelites were just as wicked as any other country and, that God would have to punish them also. The JerUSAlem of today is no different.

Only deep repentance with prayer and fasting by every individual in the church will revive America and western culture in general.

"They threw dice to decide which of my people would be their slaves. They traded boys to obtain prostitutes and sold girls for enough wine to get drunk." (Joel 3:3 NLT)

"From among all the families on the earth, I have been intimate with you alone. That is why I must punish you for all your sins." (Amos 3:2 NLT)

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This all seems simple enough but in my experience it does not work in a culture that is overridden with a BAAL principality. This same principality has caused males to submit to the leadership of women via the altruistic doctrines of diversity and inclusion for equal outcomes delusion. Driving a polite incorrectness that has surfaced through the doctrines of the influential women of our culture that your every day Pagan and Christian women of society admire so much. Many are attending the Church of Oprah (Throws out John14:6), while at the alter of the Kardashians (Spirit of Pornia - Isaiah 3:17b) and singing the songs of Taylor Swift the Haughty Hottie. (Isaiah 3:16).

The Spiritual Warfare is much deeper than being an assertive male with a gentlemen's delivery as the weaker vessel has been overcome just as the book of Timothy called it.

"They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." (2Tim3:6-7)

"They" being the likes of Winfrey, Kardashians and Swift...

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1Co 7:3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

1Co 7:4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

1Co 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

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Here's the thing husbands and wives both need to recognize: life does have it's phases, and with 2 kids or more and you home schooling, working, juggling rides and doctor appointments, sometimes a headache is a headache not a knock against virility or sensuality. You may need to set aside your "needs" because now that the family is downstairs making breakfast unsupervised with the oven on and Legos all over the floor and it's only 630 in the AM, you have crew to raise. And as that crew gets older, you're going to spend even less time humping like rabbits, and that's the way it is.

That's the cycle. What would you have you family think of as, a great sexual athlete or a great parent?

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Well, no, that's not 'the way it is'. That's the way it is when you fail to exercise leadership. Your sexual time together (which has nothing to do with rabbits, altho the Song does give some other metaphors) is vitally important, and your failure to organise your household so that it happens, routinely, is your fault... not 'life'.

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Respectfully, that time a young couple spends together needs to become the energy that puts kids first. We are so hung up on the sexual encounters as as measure of relationship, it does us a disservice when you enter a time when you need to be a father first. I may have expressed it unclearly, but there is maturity and evolution to relationship when children arrive, and when there is a single bread winner. The flexibility with one another stems from the love that you for the family. So sometimes sex will take a backseat - pun unintended.

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I don’t think you were unclear, or disrespectful, but I do think you are wrong. Biblically wrong.

I don’t think in the slightest that there is any issue of ‘sexual encounters as a measure of relationship’. The sexual nature of the husband/wife relationships is meant to be continuous. And certainly there is nothing in Scripture that says ‘father first’.

But, indeed, it is not even that. I am not saying ‘sex first’. I am saying that if your sexual relationship is suffering, it is because you are failing in your leadership as a father.

Cards on the table: I am 63 years old, married for 35 years, six children, six children in law, 25(27) grandchildren.

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I’m 58, 22 yr old and 20 yr old. Married for 32 years. One child was diagnosed with Tourette’s and as we home schooled we had priorities that shaped the relationship. As a red blooded guy who was the single earner, our energies had to redirected for that child. So those times of mismatch of desire, headache or bad moods were not even a secondary issue. We purposefully kept that child off medication and on a regime of exercise, so in our case, we had sacrifices.

So our situation was different, it was not part of any plan other than His that we had to rise to. We’ve been blessed that our efforts paved the way for cessation of my kid’s condition.

What I am saying that God needed us to recalibrate, as a father I understood the sacrifice that we had to make which was far different than any of our expectations.

I do appreciate your perspective, and admittedly I respond based on my set of experiences. If a friend were to say to me “Yeah, things have slowed for us in the bedroom” I would respond the same way, that there numerous important factors that make you a good father and husband, and the lulls come and go. But that can necessitated by what the family requires, and what is possible due to capacities of the husband and wife, which are unique to them.

But again, I appreciate your views and responses. Thank you for spending the time.

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>>If a friend were to say to me “Yeah, things have slowed for us in the bedroom”

If someone were to say that to me I would look at them and say, "Why the passive tense? Who is this 'things' that slowed you?"

IOW I would encourage them to take leadership of the situation and say, "I have failed my wife in the sexual area. I need to work to do better."

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Yes, certainly there can be issues, medical issues, which make things more difficult in a whole lot of ways.

But I don’t think we have really gotten at the fundamental issue that I am addressing, which is leadership. I have never had it happen that I walked into a house and saw chaos, tiredness, lack of time for each other… when I didn’t also see leadership failures on the part of the husband.

I think you bring up several other issues which need to be addressed separately; but my comments have been focused on the lack of leadership. A Godly leader will make sex a priority, and he will make child training a priority. And the priority that he puts on child training will make it possible for him to make sex a priority.

I would also argue that we have destroyed the nature of the extended family. How many older couples did you have who would have been willing to come over for an hour so the two of you could have sex. Indeed, would there even have been anyone you could have asked, who wouldn’t have been appalled at the request?

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