You’re on an important roll Biblical Man, the very future of America’s soul is at stake here. I would imagine that being confronted with, “In your face” gay culture condemnation makes a lot of good people uncomfortable, I bet even a lot of BM readers feel a bit cowed and nervous. Deep down, everybody knows it’s unnatural and wrong, but the normalcy bias of all the various media outlets, bad laws, peers, schools and higher education, celebrities, and a continual militant gay campaign says, “Hey, its their business, nobody is getting hurt, so live and let live, it’s completely normal!

But they could not be more wrong!

When a particular sin becomes an excepted normal way of life in a society, it only ushers in a new outrage from yet another sin that is even more vile than the first. Can you not see the race to the gutter here? Can you not feel it in your bones that we are dying from internal rot? All I hear now is F- bombs and profane speech like its a proper language. Was it proper 30 years ago? Your beautiful children may well embrace social atrocities tomorrow that you would view with absolute horror today. But for them…normalcy. Christians need to look within their Spirit-Filled hearts and decide what they can live with, and what they cannot. Write it down if you have to, but do not yield from it because of cultural pressure. If you struggle with whats acceptable and what is not, let God’s holy words guide you into all righteousness.

I am sorry for the long read, because I think that we all know these things already. We are actually living them out from the generation before our own. We must stop this descent into hell. Stop it before it’s too late for our homeland to ever recover. Jerusalem ended up destroyed and the people killed or deported to Babylon because of these things. Babylon, the city of Satan in the book of Revelation.

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Matt. 13:30, “Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the harvest time I will tell the reapers, gather the tares first and gather them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into My barn.”

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Normalcy being changed into depravity…the deception of evil is overlooked, men becoming women, women becoming men, and creating the trans in between is evil and depraved. But the goal is against God’s creation, male and female, nothing more, nothing less. So many falling into the trap but on the other hand so many waking up, the sides are being picked, good vs. evil, wheat vs. tares, knowing God and his Word is the only answer in this evil world.

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