Nailed it ! 🎤💥

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Simple truth!

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Well BM, It’s a good thing the playoffs are here. You are cleanup in my book. This is the only way truth can speak and abound. By throwing off the blanket of deception, it clears the head of confusing rhetoric, and encourages TRUTH. It took me years to sort that out. Fortunately it’s not the bottom of the ninth. Gods plan will eventually unfold, thanks be to GOD.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Biblical Man

Many years ago when I was letting my heart steer my direction instead of the Lord Almighty I would have taken offense to this. However having seen where following my heart got me versus where God is leading me, I can only say Amen. Very well written!

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I loved this so much. It was so edifying. We live in such sad times and everything is being forced upside down. There are many women who are angry and discontent because they simply don’t know and trust God. When you surrender to the Perfect Man, there’s no fear in His love. He made me the most confident I’ve ever been in my life and every word He has spoken is true and obedience to it has only wrought more blessing and peace.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Biblical Man

It's God's plan and no one else. Is God ever wrong ? Then you have the true way , simple. Thanks

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5 hrs agoLiked by Biblical Man

Yep, it’s how it’s supposed to be!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Biblical Man

God’s Own Word, reinforced throughout the Bible!

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Oh ok, I appreciate the clarification. I will check them out

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I lived yrs with a man with Borderline Personality Disorder...

He was his own god... and everyone needed to submit to him in his aggressive and violent nature... he also was a serial cheater and every other women exceeded me in every way... it was all about manipulation and control...

Although i understand women today are afraid of being dominated... likely a lot of them have Daddy issues...its still no excuse for taking their father's shortcomings out on their husbands and partners and seeking divorces at the drop of a hat...

In every case I believe compassion trumps rules and laws... Yes absolutely God's rules provide freedom ... but if somebody's never had that experience they cannot begin to fathom it... hurt ppl hurt other ppl... simple truth...

It is no excuse for a man to marry a mouse he can tell to shut up and sit down bc his mother was a domineering woman either... bc tht is not loving her as Christ loves His church..

If we wish to make the world a better place... rules aren't going to do it... nobody ever became a better person by practicing the Law...

We all need to be compassionate open and willing to understand forgive and show others the better way...

As a pastor friend says... we don't preach at ppl... we teach the Word and let it do the convicting...

Third wave feminism is not helping ...but as a women who grew up in an abusive home and married an abusive man... I get it... if men are the problem then we as women have to protect ourselves... and that ain't pretty...

Understanding and being able to chg hearts and minds and walk with integrity... would go a long way guys...

Blessings in Our Dear Saviours Name...

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Great article and great comment, Joy! Marriage is a partnership with specific roles ordained by Yahweh. Just as Christ is the head of His church, man is the head of the household. I've listened to many Christian men bellyache about how their wives won't fall into line/submission to them according to God's sacred mandates, and the longer I let them speak, the closer we got to the actual truth of the matter. As it turns out, not many Christian couples know the truth of marriage as a partnership. Most need look no further than their own shortcomings to realize that they aren't living in accordance to God's laws, where man being ordained as the the head of the household is misconstrued as dominance, with the human result of the woman acting out in a rebellious spirit. And, this road runs in both directions.

As an aside - women and their more effeminate supporters who are allergic to the Word, or reading scripture in general, should look up Phyllis Schlafly. She passed away in 2016, but back in the heyday of the ERA, feminism, etc., she was a firebrand for the most noble of professions which she considered to be motherhood and homemaker, and was an absolute wrecking ball to the ERA, gay marriage, abortion and many other conservative causes.

Godspeed, all!

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"Love one another"?

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Did Biblical Man delete the Furious Feminist Revilers from the comment sections ? Because I can't seem to find any comments that would seem to qualify as having been written by such........perhaps I missed them....the ones I've read so far appear to be quite mild, not aggressive, disrespectful or even written from a Feminist perspective....

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They were on some of my earlier notes from today and the past few days.

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