Sep 19Liked by Biblical Man

I have seen this play out sooo many times. God rescuing people I know, from all kinds of situations, circumstances and addictions. Many in my own family, myself included. He always reminds me that I am a new creation because of Christ, but to never think of myself as better than anyone else. Even though my sins may not seem as bad as others in the world’s view, I know my sin was as filthy rags, disgusting and vile in His righteous sight. Truth be told, now that I am forgiven much, my sins from where I came, nauseate me! I, like Paul, think of myself as a wretched woman, chief of all sinners in my eyes, redeemed by Christ because of love and grace towards me! Why? I honestly don’t get it, I truthfully don’t know how to love like that. Not in and of myself that is. But I know, that I know, one day I will be able to not only feel that love given to me, but give it to Him in like manner! I can’t wait to be rid of this flesh! Loving and being loved as He intended!


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Thank you.

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Brilliant share.

Thanks for doing so.

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