Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Biblical Man


10 states have abortion measures on the ballot this election cycle. Many will codify the "right" to abortion in their state constitution. Just like the fall, Satan is whispering in weak woman's minds "Eat of the pill, surely you will not die". Meanwhile, just like Adam, Christian men are standing by, doing and saying nothing. Some are even supporting murdering children in the womb while thinking themselves morally superior for supporting "women's rights". The elites are able to justify importing foreign invaders because our women are no longer having children at replacement rates.

Christian men spend more time thinking about sportsball than they do thinking about their duty to their God, their family, and their nation. Time to turn back to God and start doing the works he has prepared for us.

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Amen! Again!

Life is life in both Oregon and Oklahoma. The pot calling the Potte.... less than..., says, Life is a State's right, not a God-Right.

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Sep 22Liked by Biblical Man

Obey God ✝️

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Fantastic once again.

The Lord is a warrior;

The Lord is his name.

Exodus 15:3

My favorite verse…

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Grifter trash

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amen bro

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Ave Christus Rex et Ave Maria ☝️

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