


Prophet ( in a leadership sense predicting outcomes based on past experiences along with the truth of scripture.)

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You basically said the same thing in 8 slightly different ways. And I agree that a man is called to be the spiritual leader in his home, yes.

What gives me pause about this is your talk about "earning" a woman's submission. I wonder, would you speak similarly to women about what they should do to "earn" their husband's love? I would hope not. Christian husbands are called to love their wives and sacrifice their lives for them whether they "deserve" it or not. In the same way, wives are called to submit whether their husbands "deserve" it or not. (Ephesians 5:33)

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I understand what you're saying but just another perspective - I told my husband 40 years ago that as long as he's following Christ I would follow him anywhere. As a wife, being "submissive" to my husband also comes with responsibilities in our marriage. I am his helpmate. If he isn't being the leader that he is called to be, if he isn't following Christ and is leading our family over a cliff spiritually or any other way, I'm not much of a wife, mother, friend or helpmate if I blindly submit to his leadership and follow him right over it taking our family with me. Thankfully my husband is a great leader. We do hold each other accountable though. We do speak the truth in love to each other. We trust each other.

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It also doesn't hurt to explain what submit meant to the greeks, the man holds the shield and the woman holds the spear behind them. Brings everything you said into focus. They don't just sit back and are timid but they are the spike to the nail's head.

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Lacking leadership in holiness could also lead to moral decade of the wedlock. As we see today more and more wishy-washy preachers, men let their wives wear those fancy fashioned clothes, shorts, tight pants & all this worldly stuff, even cutting their hair, which is given them as their honour and call themselves „Christians“. It‘s a disgrace! Men turn back to leaders & keep the wedlock worthy called „Holy“.

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