This 6th day of this month, I celebrated 64 years with a woman who fits your descriptions. Every good thing in my life is related to her. She has Alzheimers now. I see her every day. Next to HIS Son, she is the greatest gift of my life.. We have a son and daughter, six grands and two greatgrands. Praise Be To God.

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There is a small Anabaptist-Mennonite community where I live and I am good friends with one family in particular. The women you speak of are embodied in their daughters. If anything, my normal American upbringing does not compare favorably to their tight-knit family lifestyle of putting God first. There is a definite separation between us, but it is hard to define. It’s more than just the clothes the women wear. My point is, the women you speak of are all around us, they are not rare jewels, we just need to put on spiritual glasses to see them. Also, they will not be compromising their lives with an inferior husband, their fathers will see to that before the marriage.

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