Sep 25Liked by Biblical Man

Women are born to (get married and) have kids.

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True! No skipping out of the marriage part, it scares me with 2 daughters out there! The older daughter has a boyfriend, she had better keep it in his pants or he has another thing comin’ and I’m definitely not kidding! He had better not get her tipsy and say “oh … it’s okay… just this once… boom 💥 she’s pregnant” and my sweet little girl isn’t so sweet any more!!

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Sep 25Liked by Biblical Man

Good preaching… what’s needed from pulpits across the land. Join me in interceding for America’s pastors that God will mercifully chasten them and motivate them to shepherd God’s people into righteous living and repent from the “business” mentality of the church “industry. May we be focused on building character rather than careers.

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This was hilarious! Very well said.

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Woke culture is Marxist ideology and the religion of satan. That’s why I am here on your Sub.

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Preach it brother!

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Excellent piece brother, thank you for your wisdom!

Only one slight disagreement on a valid justification for divorce…1 Corinthians 7:15.

Love to know what you think about that.

Be blessed & I love reading your stuff.

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