Last Sunday, at exactly 11:43 PM:
• 847,000 Christians watched sermon reels
• 236,000 shared prayer emojis
• 142,000 hearted worship snippets
• 1 pastor went live from his hot tub
And in a dark room somewhere in America,
Two broken men decided to burn it all down.
We're Brandon and Adam.
Just 2 Guys.
Digital prophets.
Holy arsonists.
And we just launched something that makes the algorithm tremble.
The Brutal Math of Modern Faith:
97% of Christians consume their spirituality through:
• Instagram reels
• TikTok prophets
• YouTube pastors
• Twitter threads
• Facebook lives
The other 3%?
They're building something dangerous.
Something real.
Something that scares the algorithm.
We call it MANIFEST.
Why This Matters Now:
Your grandfather's Bible is collecting dust
While you consume 4-minute sermonettes
Between cat videos and makeup tutorials.
The digital church isn't just weak.
It's terminal.
What The 3% Know:
The real warriors aren't:
• Building platforms
• Chasing likes
• Crafting content
• Seeking validation
They're waging war.
In silence.
In strength.
In truth.
Episode 3 Exposed:
We ripped open:
• Why Your Drive is Dead— Hint it has something to do with Pornhub.
• How digital lone-wolfing it is killing your soul
• What ancient warriors knew about the strange woman.
• Why your spiritual life is as weak as your prayer calluses
The Cost of Comfort:
You have two choices:
1. Keep scrolling
Keep consuming
Keep dying inside
2. Join the resistance
Find the war
Become the weapon
Your Next Move:
Subscribe to:
• Walking Dead for God (Brandon's raw truth)
• Biblical Man (my battlefield reports)
• Manifest (where we converge and detonate)
Because while the masses watch church online,
We're building warriors offline.
The 3% Are Waiting
This isn't content.
This isn't church.
This isn't safe.
This is war.
And Episode 4 drops soon.
"The algorithm hates this message. Your spirit needs it." - Manifest Ep.3
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