I fear a streamlined apology from the “elites” and influencers. They have indulged in this life and deep down inside understand they are hollow and miserable. I think we will witness a worldly righteousness and false humility on a mass scale that appears strong on the surface but its purpose is self centric - becoming a religion where a lot of their old ways are left behind, and a new gold calf deceives many.

Matthew 7:22-23 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

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Behind every tempting idol in this sin burdened, evil culture that beckons you, stands Satan waiting to destroy you.

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God is Sovereign, so this is why I don't worry about the enemy. I'm willing to pray for these people, but if they decide to fall into the World & it ways, they will pay a great price for it. I know as it happened to me. Put on the Armour Eph;6 every day. Peter warns us about the devil in 1Peter. You just have to read the Word & it tells you how to survive these strange times.

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Glad someone here is speaking truth. As you said, it’s only scratching the surface. May it all crumble!

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Diddy will never live long enough to expose these deviants.

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One of my good friends almost got tricked by the evil ways of Hollywood and entertainment. There are many demons at that hierarchy. You give anyone fame of high magnitude and the devil uses that to destroy the soul. You have to seek Christ ever moment of your life. Don't seek temporary gratification, seek eternal gratification in Christ Jesus.

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Love your work, they will be judged, they think they are safe in the devil's hands they another thing coming 🙏

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was her name 'Thot'

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Here here‼️🙏🙏

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