The truth smells like yesterday's garbage.
I should know. I haul both for a living.
The DM arrived between dumps on Route 7 about 6 months ago. @harmonizedgrace: "Your biblical masculinity content changed my life." My hands were covered in coffee grounds and eggshells when I read it. They still feel dirty.
27,000 followers believed her lies. I never did, but God uses strange containers to deliver necessary truth. Even fraudulent ones.
this morning, between the whine of hydraulics and the thud of dumpsters, three revelations hit harder than a dropped load:
1. This Is Why I Drive Trash
The route starts at 4am. No ring lights. No filters. Just darkness and diesel.
- Every pre-dawn reminder: real work beats real talk
- Can't fake physics when you're lifting 2,000 pounds
- Physical labor keeps me honest
- My hands stay dirty so my teaching stays clean
The desert fathers didn't Instagram their caves. Luther's hammer rang true because his knees were calloused from prayer. Truth leaves marks you can't edit out.
2. The Signs Were There
Every route has three kinds of containers:
• The overflowing but honest
• The neatly packed but rotting
• The empty ones making the most noise
@harmonizedgrace was the third kind.
- That gut check when her "authentic" homesteading had preset filter fingerprints
- The Holy Spirit's warning through the stench of performance
- How "Tony Town" read like Christian fan fiction written by ChatGPT
- My garbage man's nose for what stinks beneath the surface
Nothing says "traditional values" quite like carefully curated chaos.
3. Her Exposure Confirms What We Teach
Between Route 7's first dumpster and my morning Bible study, truth crystallized:
- Biblical masculinity can't be manufactured in a studio
- Real faith leaves sweat marks, not just social metrics
- Truth is lived in trenches, not trending topics
- Character costs more than clicks
The old preacher a used to say, "Son, you can't fake the fruit." He was right. You also can't fake the smell of honest work.
This morning's route started like always. 3:45 AM. Negative Twenty-eight degrees. The diesel engine's grumble matching my prayers.
"Lord, keep me real."
Hydraulics whine
"Keep me honest."
Dumpster crashes
"Keep me..."
Brakes hiss
Because this truth hasn't changed:
The messiest containers often hold the most valuable contents. And the cleanest profiles usually hide the most garbage.
For my brothers and sisters in Christ:
When did you realize performance could never replace presence? When did your facade crack under the weight of reality?
Raw honesty only. No preaching. No filters.
I'll read your responses between routes tomorrow. Look for the guy with dirty hands and clean conscience.
Truth isn't trending.
It's taking out the trash at 4am.
It's showing up when Instagram is asleep.
It's letting your life speak louder than your likes.
Written with diesel-stained hands and a garbage-tested faith.
My husband and I are both blessed by @ biblicalman and @ Biblical Womanhood. Glory to God for your ministry!