Not a clown world, it’s called Hades!

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Two letters were written by Putin about America's moral depravity being exported around the world. Following up with Tucker's two-hour long interview, he addressed his people's history, faith, culture and strength of character.

This is part of his commentary about America:

Last October, Vladimir Putin aired a speech to the Russian nation chiding the United States for its moral decay. He observed an America “blotting out whole pages” of its history, pursuing “reverse discrimination against the majority in the interests of minorities,” and renouncing time-honored values in an effort at “public renewal.”

“It’s their right, but we are asking them to steer clear of our home,” he warned. “We have a different viewpoint.” This iteration of family values and conservative critique went barely noticed by the American press at the time."

He sees. We don't.


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Good Lord…I’m sick 🤮 now!

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Sick, slick march of Marxist ideology woke religion.

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Trade the Twitter arguments for real conversations. Choose responsibility over hedonism.

Wholeheartedly concur. My question is when did the Christian West go awry in a noticeable and curable way? Novalis sensed a decline in the Catholic Church in Europe, and political ideologies, nationalism, and blind faith in science rushed in to fill the spiritual void. For Novalis, this replacement of God for ideology signified a loss, and was potentially even dangerous. Was he the first?

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Banish prayer in schools and no Public acknowledgment of God is how it started. We took our trust in the Most High and invested instead in our material prosperity, and mistook the blessings from God as something we proudly did ourselves and were entitled to forever.

In our growing state of essentially atheist corruption we erected more altars to our growing pantheon of idols that we worshipped instead of God the Creator and Sustainer: consumerism, covetousness, entertainment, technology, SELF, education, promiscuity, pornography, depravity..... we thought we could and would go on forever on our own and that we could indefinitely postpone and stave off the inevitable reckoning and payback by doubling down in our idolatrous worship of materialism. In so doing, we ARE NOW squarely the SACRIFICE on the altar of Marxian Materialism, AKA its End Stage of Global Communism which we have been given over to. We got the government we deserve because we have earned it.

Meanwhile, the truth of the situation is that Sin never stays in its own lane and it roams about like a roaring lion stalking more and more of the naive and gullible to prey upon and devour. Unless we as a nation repent and turn back to God the Creator and Sustainer we will suffer the same consequences

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......meantime it's the 11th and 3/4ths hour and we are running out of time. There's no other way out except God's way and fleeing the wrath to come

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So 20th century then. Not 19th?

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Its been a continuum for sure. Started in the 1800's with Marx, Hegel, & Engels, but was kicked into high gear throughout the 1900's (20th century).

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Turned the corner no return in the 50's?

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Please clarify your comment, thanks

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Went into a mall for the first time in 15 years recently.

There was a GAP advertisement featuring a girl who was as wide as she was tall.

Felt like Frost's Objective Room.

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